Avp suggest Hardware Virtualization is not available after first reboot of my OS
<p><strong>Reproduction steps:</strong></p>
<p><span></span>install product, update it</p>
<p>reboot OS</p>
<p><strong>Actual result:</strong></p>
<p><span></span>Before the first reboot, everything work fine.</p>
<p>after reboot, avp told me there is no hardware support of virtualization technology, and I should change a device which support hardware virtualization.</p>
<p><strong>Expected Result:</strong></p>
<p><span>hardware virtualization based protection should work fine, there should not be any alert about it.</span></p>
<p><span>windows10 </span>ver1607 14393.2639 LTSB x64</p>
<p><span>KIS20.0.1.780 zh-cn</span></p>
<p><span>I uploaded traces and GSI6 report.</span></p>
<p><span>https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/xeXjUhhQ2tumhNG</span></p> -
<p>I found that may be the bug in some AV modules that caused the problem</p>
<p>I reinstalled the product, than reboot without any update. there is no alert about virtualization</p>
<p>Than I ran a databases update and reboot OS, after the reboot, alert about vt is not available appear.</p>
<p>I collected the entire traces begin from the product install till problem appear.</p>
<p>1 install product</p>
<p>2 reboot</p>
<p>3 update product</p>
<p>4 reboot</p>
<p>5 problem reproduced.</p>
<p>KSOS20.0.1.780 en-us</p>
<p>windows10 ver1607 14393.2639 LTSB x64</p>
<p>https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/2WcWYmmb7xP2cJE</p> -
<p>@xzz123, hello sir!</p>
<p>can you reproduce it on new version? </p> -
<p>Not reproduced.</p>
<p>But the situation has changed.</p>
<p>Quite a long time ago, I report this problem: <a href="https://bug.kaspersky.com/issues/5846" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://bug.kaspersky.com/issues/5846</a></p>
<p>at that time, there was no problem with hardware Virtualiation.</p>
<p>On about 2~3 previous beta build, I somehow able to install product with secure boot enabled, And here came the hardware-virtualization problem.</p>
<p>This cuurent build .5.852, I again not able to install the problem with secure boot ebabled. And the hardware-virtualization problem disappear.</p>
<p>I do not know the relationship between two problem. But since the environment has changed, I do not have a clear answer for your question.</p> -
<p>i see, Thank you for information. So we will close this issue till new reproduction will appear. </p> -
<p>The problem came back.</p>
<p>I have been using latest beta build for days, it is OK for these days.</p>
<p>I can install the product with secure boot enabled, and hardware-virtualization is enabled without problem</p>
<p>BUT,<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> after a recent databases update</span>, I found again the product alert me that vt is not available, because my OS is found not stable if vt is turn on.</p>
<p>I never changed my device these, so that is wired........</p>
<p>My Device now: Thinkpad X240s with secure boot enabled and boot mode is UEFI only & CSM off.</p>
<p>OS: Windows10 14393.2670 LTSB x64</p>
<p>KIS zh-cn</p> -
<p>can anyone take a look?</p>
<p>What should I do so that dev will reconsider about this case?</p> -
<p>@xzz123 Hello! Sorry, it took some time to get here =). I'll grab it.</p>
<p>@xzz123, can you send traces and screenshot? </p>
<p>Traces: It will be enough to start recording, restart product, open main menu, go to notifications. </p> -
<p><a href="https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/8QYzUFSA0Qt7jyv" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/8QYzUFSA0Qt7jyv</a></p>
<p>Here are traces and GSI6 report.</p>
<p>I turn on traces and try restart product and restart OS, than turn off traces.</p>
<p>Product language is simplified chinese, the notification told me that my OS is found to be unstable when virtualization is enabled, so it is not available.</p> -
<p>@xzz123 thank you. </p>
<p>@xzz123, hello sir!</p>
<p>Does it reproduce now? Developers say, new updates should fix problem, </p> -
<p>Sadly, I can not test current beta build due to continuous crash</p>
<p>I even do not have a chance to start the product successfully.</p>
<p>Do you need me check the problem using previous build? Is it ok to wait for another build?</p> -
<p>@xzz123, we hope tomorrow will be new build</p>
<p></p> -
<p>Glad to hear that.</p>
<p>Will proceed test ASAP.</p> -
<p>Just installed latest beta build and also the databases is the latest( although it was released two days ago)</p>
<p>The problem is no longer reproduced.</p> -
<p>@xzz123 , Thank you!</p>