<p data-select-like-a-boss="1">Good news for everyone!</p>
<p>A new version of the beta build is available for download and testing.</p>
<p>You can download the version from the links below</p>
<div><a href="https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/piZDpMsuibjukZA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-select-like-a-boss="1">Download from ownCloud</a></div>
<div><a href="https://box.kaspersky.com/d/9b931fbbd91f4860a3cc/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download from Kaspersky Box</a></div>
<p><span> </span>Can be activated only through Internet. Beta-license is valid for 90 days.</p>
<p><span> </span>Before installation of the new build, please uninstall the previous build (sometimes kavremover may be needed) and reboot the system</p>
<hr /></div>
<h3 data-select-like-a-boss="1">Advices for novice testers</h3>
<li>Do not proceed with testing without reading the<span> </span><a href="https://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showtopic=161942" target="_blank" rel="noopener">instructions</a>;</li>
<li>All found bugs should be posted in the related topics so it would be wise to read their headers at first. Bug reports should contain all<span> </span>useful<span> </span>info (it will be clear after reading the instruction from p.1);</li>
<li>The most convenient way to upload big files (traces or dumps): in .zip archive on<span> </span><a href="http://cloud.qainfo.ru/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OwnCloud</a>.;</li>
<li>Traces as well as app and driver verifiers are enable in this build.</li>
<li>This area of forum is not connected to Tech Support (Bugs of Beta-products are collected here)</li>
<hr />
<p><span>Additional Information</span></p>
<p><span> </span>Please don't post on the beta forum if you are not participating in the beta testing.</p>
</div> -
<p>surprise<img src="/plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif" alt="cool" /></p>
<p>There We go again! :D</p>
<p>I had serious troubles to uninstall previous KTS2020RC 713, it stuck and it didn't progress, so I had to cancel and here started the problems... so I had to RUN A MANUAL DELETE OF ANY LÑEFTOVER OF KASPERSKY IN MY SYSTEM (registry and files/folders)... but every time I start the new installer KTS2020RC 870 it stops saying there is a previous installing <img src="/plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-sealed.gif" alt="sealed" /></p>
<p>Finally I managed to install the new RC780! and after reboot got a crash dump of previous launch failed... :D</p>
<p>Mircrosoft Protected Process Light(PPL) is not ebabled and there is no option to enable it manually,</p>
<p>is that by design?</p>
<p>I can now use processexplorer to view Dlls in avp.exe, this should not happen if PPL is ebabled. And processexplorer also do not show ppl status for avp.exe process.</p>
<p>see picture below</p>
<p><img src="https://forum.kaspersky.com/uploads/monthly_2018_12/1730057390_QQ20181219083830.png.b14062679a6b3f5574b65d9a3a3305fb.png" /></p> -
<p>They have changed the numeration with this build 20.0.0.x -> 20.0.1.x, so this is MR1 :)</p>
<p>@xzz123 said in <a href="/post/2987" target="_blank" rel="noopener">KAV\KIS\KTS\KFA\KS\KSOS: RC</a>:</p>
<blockquote>Mircrosoft Protected Process Light(PPL) is not ebabled and there is no option to enable it manually,</blockquote>
<p><span>Run procexp as administrator</span>.</p> -
<p><img src="http://img.qainfo.ru/img/5c1a3af2caaf707fbf9eaeea.png" /></p>
<p><img src="http://img.qainfo.ru/img/5c1a3b35caaf707fbf9eaeeb.png" /></p> -
<p>@harlan4096, hello! </p>
<p>No, it;s not.=)) we already have 20.0.2.* builds. Developers just decided to separate features in different branches in our <span>VCS. </span></p> -
<p>In the past all the builds with numeration 20.0.1.x were MR1 -> 20.0.2.x MR2 and so on :)</p> -
<p>This build is very unstable... it generates dumps almost in every "breath".... starting, updating, scanning :)</p>
<p>I got a general question:</p>
<p>What do i do when Kaspersky prompts me to write a manual dumps via Taskmanager process explorer... because the dump creation failed!?</p>
<p>I know there is the kavlog tool, but not for the beta version.</p>
<p>And my general problem is that selfdefence blocks any attempt to manual create a dump when the kldw.exe process failed to do so.</p>
<p>For example today i had a "crash" where i was asked to create a dump but wasnt able, so i wasnt able to record any information about the problem because traces sadly where turned off at this moment.</p> -
<p>What happened when you disable the self-defence?</p>
<p>Cant disable selfdefence when this message appears, the ones like dump writing with kldw has failed, please try to create a dump using taskmanager or processexplorer of the process with the id...</p>
<p>Edit: I think Kapsersky gets suspended as long the message is shown so that in case you write a dump the information staiys the same.</p>