<p data-select-like-a-boss="1">Good news for everyone!</p>
<p>A new version of the beta build is available for download and testing.</p>
<p>You can download the version from the links below</p>
<div><a href="https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/WW5ShFezxYY1w89" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-select-like-a-boss="1">Download from ownCloud</a></div>
<div><a href="https://box.kaspersky.com/d/01e45f5e16704b85ac28/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download from Kaspersky Box</a></div>
<p><span> </span>Can be activated only through Internet. Beta-license is valid for 90 days.</p>
<p><span> </span>Before installation of the new build, please uninstall the previous build (sometimes kavremover may be needed) and reboot the system</p>
<hr /></div>
<h3 data-select-like-a-boss="1">Advices for novice testers</h3>
<li>Do not proceed with testing without reading the<span> </span><a href="https://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showtopic=161942" target="_blank" rel="noopener">instructions</a>;</li>
<li>All found bugs should be posted in the related topics so it would be wise to read their headers at first. Bug reports should contain all<span> </span>useful<span> </span>info (it will be clear after reading the instruction from p.1);</li>
<li>The most convenient way to upload big files (traces or dumps): in .zip archive on<span> </span><a href="http://cloud.qainfo.ru/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OwnCloud</a>.;</li>
<li>Traces as well as app and driver verifiers are enable in this build.</li>
<li>This area of forum is not connected to Tech Support (Bugs of Beta-products are collected here)</li>
<hr />
<p><span>Additional Information</span></p>
<p><span> </span>Please don't post on the beta forum if you are not participating in the beta testing.</p>
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<p>unbelievable, I installed KTS20.0.0.607en-us success without secureboot,</p>
<p>When I try to get trial, it tells me <strong>Invalid Activation code</strong></p> -
<p><img src="http://img.qainfo.ru/img/5bc998b9caaf707fbf9ea016.png" /></p> -
<p>may be someone fixed it on server side,<img src="/plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-tongue-out.gif" alt="tongue-out" /></p>
<p>I will surely try again.</p> -
<p>Today I can't update, always getting Failed::</p>
<p>30.10.2018 18.23.01;Update of databases and application modules;Not all components were updated.;15.48 KB/s;Not all components were updated.;21.85 KB;12 seconds;10/30/2018 18:23:01</p>
</blockquote> -
<p>Today getting "Some protection components are corrupted. We recommend that You reinstall the application", Product Status in Red.</p>
<p></p> -
<p>Same here, and update still states it failed, since yesterday i think, but if i hover with the mouse over the KIS symbol in the taskbar, it shows the latest databases.</p> -
<p>Yeah, also the product says System Watcher is not enabled, when actually it is... so I guess the corruption comes from there..</p>
<p>Today the red status became green again and no more corruption message, but still the warnings "Failed" and "not all components were..." during updating...</p>
<p>This with tests servers KL it problem. </p>
<p>Fixed problem with tests servers KL.</p>
<p>Yes, I confirm it here also!</p>
<p>Again getting "Failed / not all components were updated" warning warning...</p>
<p>I was asked to restart my KTS2020 b607 after an update a few minutes ago... but still the "Failed" warning in every update...</p>