Bug with Howard Email
<p><strong>Reproduction steps: If Kaspersky is stopped and restarted, by clicking on the Howard Email icon in the systray,, the web page takes more than 1 minute to open, The bug had been reference 6396955 with previous versions and had been resolved with an update of the 21.14</strong></p>
<p><strong>Actual result: The bug reappeared, the web page takes 1 minute to open</strong></p>
<p><strong>Expected Result: The web page should open immediately with Kaspersky re launched</strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://the-sz.com/products/howard/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Howard - Outlook.com / GMail / Yahoo / mail.ru / orange.fr / Lotus Notes Email Notifier - the sz development (the-sz.com)</a></strong></p>
<p><span></span></p> -
<p>Ok, I thought the developers had fixed the problem but support forgot to notify me ('ticket' opened at the start of the year)</p>
<p>I confirm that the problem was resolved with an update (of the components I suppose) with 21.14</p>
<p>I went back with 21.14 while waiting</p>
<p>Thanks</p> -
<p>Hello @jarvis</p>
<p>After some tests, I found where the bug in 21.15 comes from</p>
<p>If the "Application updates schedule setting" option (in "Performance settings") is disabled, the bug appears, if the option is enabled, it's OK</p>
<p>If your developers can do what is necessary</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p>EDIT : and for info, I tested the <span> build and the problem is not present by disabling this option</span></p> -
<p>@jarvis <a href="/user/dmitriy-pisarets" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@dmitriy-pisarets</a></p>
<p>Could you do what is necessary or "report" the cause of the bug to the appropriate department?</p>
<p>Customer service tells me that this bug is still under investigation (for 10 months now)</p>
<p>I informed them of the cause of the bug (easily reproducible) which I found in 48 hours and they responded to me with an email automatically I think, that it is still the subject of an investigation</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>