Lower speed in direct download, using a browser with K. enabled
<p>Data Scenario:</p>
<p>Network Connection: Fibre 300 Mbits (U/D)</p>
<p>Browser: Mozilla Firefox 98 (x64) -> no tracking add-ons nor FF tracking enabled</p>
<p>Site tested -> Direct download of Ubuntu ISO:</p>
<p>Kaspersky Product K. Plus</p>
<li>Anti-Banner and Private Browsing modules disabled</li>
<li>Network Settings -> Limit Traffic on metered connection: disabled + Monitored Ports: All network ports</li>
<p>I took traces for about 2 or 3 minutes until the direct download got established:</p>
<li>With Kaspersky enabled: maximum speed -> 11 MBytes/seg</li>
<li>With Kaspersky disabled (Exit): maximum speed -> 24 MBytes/seg</li>
<p>If I use a 3rd party downloader tool even with Kaspersky enabled -> <strong>Free Download Manager</strong>, to download the same file, I get the full speed -> more than 30 MBytes/seg</p>
<p>KPlus Off -> https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/xYzVOkB4DqIa3c0</p>
<p>KPlus On -> https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/DtXh7mWXIKMPHmY</p> -
<p>@harlan4096, hello! </p>
<p>bot will close it with As design, but let me explain. The bigger file, the slowly it will be checked while downloading with browser. So downloading speed is reduced too. Today this scenario cannot be changed with bug, it needs a special " task" with calculations and other analytics work.</p>
<p>About third party download apps - for such scenarios (not for all) we don't apply "web check", so file is checked after downloading with main antivirus scanner. </p>