<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>holy crap!</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Let's see what it is~<img src="../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif" alt="wink" /></strong></span></p> -
<p>Let's start the playing! <img src="../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-sealed.gif" alt="sealed" /></p>
<p>I suggest creat a restore point before installation.</p>
<p>I am facing interesting problems, but hard to give a description.</p> -
<p>Thanks for the heads up! I'm still preparing the laptop where I'm going to test it! :)</p>
<p>These early betas always are very unstable... <img src="../../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cry.gif" alt="cry" /></p> -
<p>Running more or less stable here... system a bit slow, even with traces and app & drv verify keys deleted and rebooted the system...</p>
<p>At 1st sight I don't see any new feature compared to K2019, maybe some small GUI changes...</p> -
<p>Here we go~ <img src="../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-undecided.gif" alt="undecided" /></p>
<p>I observed that many malicious samples are simply detected as UDS Dangerousobject by 18/19 version. Pure MD5 blacklist maybe......?</p>
<p>but given more sophisticated masks by 2020 version,</p>
<p>for example</p>
<p><img src="https://forum.kaspersky.com/uploads/monthly_2018_06/1275907628_QQ20180630015131.jpg.fdb8ff813970df128dfec9a2f49ae9c5.jpg" /></p>
<p>at the moment above samples are detected UDS DangerousObject via Kaspersky virus desk and avp from Virustotal.</p> -
<p>I'm getting detections of different types, I thinks that specific UDS detections are also usual in 2018/2019 since last year, I guess it depends on if the specific detection was already added or still a generic one at this time, and later will become in specific: https://imgur.com/a/63WA9j7</p>
<p></p> -
<p>What is this ".drv" file? Some crypted text in it.</p>
<p>A new type of log file.Created to catch errors in the drivers.</p>
<p>Thx for the info. Is KL planning to insert new modules or only update of existing ones (stability of components)? I think latter.</p>
<p>2020 - the version will contain the work on the bugs. Stability is the main goal of 2020. A lot of work has been done with the current modules. Some modules have been completely redesigned (code).</p> -
<p>What is <strong>united delivery</strong>?</p>
<p>It begain in 2019 version. But More files and even drivers are now label with this mask in 2020. I assume it is a sign of big change in product developping.~~~~~~~</p>
<p><img src="https://forum.kaspersky.com/uploads/monthly_2018_07/1309482502_QQ20180703195923.jpg.9322a9b5ed9ca2f4ce375069b81aa966.jpg" /></p>
<p><img src="../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif" alt="wink" /><img src="../../plugins/nodebb-plugin-composer-kl/vendor/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif" alt="wink" /></p> -
<p>This is the year.</p>