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  • Beta 产品测试指南(简体中文)

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    7 Posts

    <p><span style="font-size: 18pt; font-size: 18pt;"><strong>第6章 - 词汇及缩略语扩展</strong></span></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>产品组件</strong></span></p>
    <p> </p>
    <li><span></span>反广告 = 是一个阻止广告信息呈现在浏览器页面或者内置到各种程序的接口并安装在您的计算机上用来显示在线内容的组件。</li>
    <li><span></span>反钓鱼 = 跟踪试图打开钓鱼网站和阻止它们的组件</li>
    <li><span></span>反垃圾邮件 = 允许检测不需要的消息(垃圾邮件)的组件</li>
    <li><span></span>AVZ = 用于解决系统问题的脚本</li>
    <li><span></span>排除&信任区域 = 排除是被产品排除在扫描之外的对象。信任区域是用户创建的不应由产品控制的对象列表。</li>
    <li><span></span>GUI = 图形用户界面</li>
    <li><span></span>HIPS,应用程序控制 = 它记录系统中应用程序执行的操作,并根据应用程序所属的组管理应用程序的活动。为每组应用程序定义了一组规则的组件。</li>
    <li><span></span>IDS = 网络攻击拦截器</li>
    <li><span></span>IM AV = 扫描即时通讯工具(如ICQ、AIM等)流量的组件</li>
    <li><span></span>安装程序 = 安装产品或应用程序的程序</li>
    <li><span></span>邮件反病毒 = 扫描传入和传出的电子邮件,以确定是否存在恶意对象</li>
    <li><span></span>OAS = 文件反病毒(按访问扫描)</li>
    <li><span></span>ODS = 按需扫描</li>
    <li><span></span>PC,家长控制 = 家长监控孩子访问Internet的组件,用于限制对某些资源或特定url的访问。</li>
    <li><span></span>PDM = 主动防御</li>
    <li><span></span>Qscan,Rootkit scan = 扫描难以检测的隐藏其活动痕迹的威胁的技术</li>
    <li><span></span>隔离 = 对象以加密形式保存的文件夹,排除了感染的威胁。它还存储消毒或删除之前创建的对象的备份副本。</li>
    <li><span></span>RD,救援盘 = 创建一个可引导磁盘的组件,该磁盘能够引导受到严重感染且无法通过反病毒程序消毒的计算机。</li>
    <li><span></span>Self-Defense,自我保护 = 根据用户意愿阻止关闭产品或更改设置的模块</li>
    <li><span></span>安全键盘 = 使用硬件键盘输入个人数据(如密码或信用卡号码)的技术,同时避免被键盘记录程序(注册击键的程序)拦截监听(注册击键的程序)。</li>
    <li><span></span>安全支付 = 在一个独立的环境中启动浏览器,以实现安全的在线支付。</li>
    <li><span></span>SW,系统监控 = 系统事件监视器。它收集和保存不同的事件日志,并将其提供给产品的组件,以便检测恶意软件特有的事件序列。</li>
    <li><span></span>Updater = 用于更新数据库或产品模块的模块</li>
    <li><span></span>VK,虚拟键盘 = 输入个人数据(如密码或信用卡号码)的特殊工具,以避免被键盘记录程序(注册击键的程序)截获。</li>
    <li><span></span>漏洞扫描 = 扫描已安装程序中的漏洞</li>
    <li><span></span>Web AV,网页反病毒 = 扫描互联网流量的组件。</li>
    <li><span></span>WMUF = 危险url数据库</li>
    <p> </p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>版本名称</strong></span></p>
    <p> </p>
    <li><span></span>Build = 编译号码,也是产品版本的最后一个编号</li>
    <li><span></span>Alpha-version  = 产品开发的初始状态,可能会丢失大部分新功能</li>
    <li><span></span>Beta-version  = 具有完整功能并准备对各组件进行测试的版本</li>
    <li><span></span>RC, Release Candidate  = 可以成为发行版的版本</li>
    <li><span></span>TR,技术发布 = 技术上准备投入生产环境的版本(待定打印产品包装、编写知识库或帮助内容等)</li>
    <li><span></span>CR, Commercial Release  = 产品在销售时,技术支持开始对产品负责支持工作</li>
    <li><span></span>CF, Critical Fix = 修复产品中的关键bug,以及可能有一些新功能的版本</li>
    <li><span></span>MP, Maintenance Pack / MR, Maintenance Release = 是一种更新包。发现的错误已得到修复以及添加了一些新的功能的版本。这类似于Microsoft产品的服务包。</li>
    <li><span></span>Hotfix,热修复补丁 = 紧急更新修复关键错误的补丁</li>
    <p> </p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>其他常见的术语</strong></span></p>
    <p> </p>
    <li><span></span>Alert  = 允许选择操作的产品信息弹出框</li>
    <li><span></span>Balloon,气泡消息 = 产品的信息窗口</li>
    <li><span></span>BSOD,死亡蓝屏 = 操作系统崩溃时显示的蓝色窗口</li>
    <li><span></span>Bug = 程序或程序接口的功能错误</li>
    <li><span></span>Case = 测试场景或重现bug的步骤</li>
    <li><span></span>Change log,更改日志 =某个版本功能的更改列表</li>
    <li><span></span>Crash,崩溃 = 应用程序或操作系统非正常关闭</li>
    <li><span></span>GBT,Gold Beta Tester = 在产品开发周期结束时授予最活跃的测试人员的头衔</li>
    <li><span></span>KL = 卡巴斯基实验室</li>
    <li><span></span>Memory dump,内存转储 = 包含系统崩溃时内存状态的完整数据的文件</li>
    <li><span></span>Screenshot,截屏 = 计算机为记录显示器上显示的可见项而拍摄的图像文件</li>
    <li><span></span>trace = 组件活动追踪日志文件,包含产品执行的所有操作,帮助开发人员处理和解决问题</li>
    <li><span></span>Tray = 带有运行应用程序图标的任务栏区域(系统时间旁边)</li>
    <li><span></span>VirLab = 卡巴斯基计算机病毒实验室</li>

  • Beta-Testing Guide (English)

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Section 7 - QA Info (external bug tracker)</strong></span></p>
    <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener" data-cke-saved-href="">QA Info</a> is used for tracking the issues reported during beta-testing. It is based on the open bug tracking software Redmine and replaces the Google Docs used previously. The launch of the project was discussed in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="">this topic</a>.</p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>1. Register and configure your account</strong></span></p>
    <p>Users who do not have an account at QA Info can only view issues which were already submitted to the tracker. If you want to make use of the features of the tracker you need to register an account:</p>
    <p><strong>Standard rights:</strong></p>
    <li>get notifications via email about news and changes to watched issues</li>
    <li>confirm that a bug fix was fixed (by changing the status of an issue from <em>fixed</em> to <em>closed)</em></li>
    <li>discuss the problem with KL employees in the comments of an issue</li>
    <p><strong>Moderators, additionally:</strong></p>
    <li>submit new issues to the tracker</li>
    <li>manage the news: add, edit and delete</li>
    <p><strong>KL employees, additionally:</strong></p>
    <li>edit all fields of an issue</li>
    <li>manage projects</li>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>1.1. Register an account</strong></span></p>
    <p>You can register an account here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener" data-cke-saved-href=""></a>. The page should be displayed in your language automatically (based on browser settings).</p>
    <p>Explanation of the fields:</p>
    <li>Login: may contain Latin characters, numbers and some other characters</li>
    <li>Nickname (KL Forum): in parenthesis enter your nick name used in the forum, for example: (JanRei)</li>
    <li>Language: you can choose the language you want to use for the tracker, or select (auto) for letting Redmine choose the language automatically</li>
    <li>User ID (KL Forum): enter your user ID in the forum. Specifying this information allows to quickly contact you in case more information is required about some issue. The ID is part of the URL to your profile, for example: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href=""></a> -> enter 7141</li>
    <p>An example for filling the registration form:</p>
    <p><img src="" alt="" width="376" height="245" /></p>
    <p>A few minutes after you have registered you should get an email from with instructions how to activate your account. In case there should be problems using the tracker please write a private message to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="">Ilya Zadonsky</a> (please use "QA Info" as subject).</p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>1.2. Recommended settings</strong></span></p>
    <p>After you have activated your account it is recommended to change some settings on the page <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener" data-cke-saved-href="">My Account</a>:</p>
    <li>check the option "Hide my email address"</li>
    <li>specify your time zone</li>
    <li>select your preferred method of notification by email</li>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>1.3. Personalization</strong></span></p>
    <p>Registered users can personalize <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener" data-cke-saved-href="">My Page</a>, and add the blocks of information: "Watched issues", "Latest news", "Calendar", "Documents" and "Spent time". Modules "Documents" and "Spent time" are not used, so do not add them to the page.</p>
    <p>To configure your personal page select "My Page" in menu at the top of the page and then follow the link "Personalize this page". You can add a block by selecting it from the drop down menu and clicking on the "Add" button. Using the mouse you can then move the block at the position you like. By clicking on the X you can remove a block from the page. To complete the personalization click on "Back".</p>
    <p><img src="" alt="" width="741" height="342" /></p>
    <p><img src="" alt="" width="741" height="341" /></p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>2. Working with external tracker</strong></span></p>
    <p>The home page of QA Info shows the latest news and a list of bug lists (projects) with recent changes.</p>
    <p>Issues reported in the forum are transferred by moderators to the external bug tracker. In the forum post a link to the issue is added to the field "Reason for edit". Following the link you can view the current status of the issue and its history.</p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>2.1. Description of the fields</strong></span></p>
    <p>When working with issues the following fields are used:</p>
    <li><em>Tracker</em>  -  indicates in which forum the issue was reported: Russian forum (RUS frm) or English forum (ENG frm)</li>
    <li><em>Post  -  </em>ID used in the link to the bug report in forum (value will be transformed into a link leading to the bug report), for example:
    <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href=""></a> -> the ID is 2277595</li>
    <li><em>ID  -  </em>number that identifies the issue in internal bug tracker of KL (value is a link which can only be used by employees)</li>
    <li><em>Pri  -  </em>indicates the priority of the issue:
    <li><em>4 (Low)</em>  -  would like to fix but the product can be released as it is</li>
    <li><em>3 (Medium) </em> -  should be fixed if time permits</li>
    <li><em>2 (High)</em>  -  must be fixed before release of the product</li>
    <li><em>1 (Stop Bug)  - </em> must be fixed immediately, blocks further testing, very visible</li>
    <li><em>Status  -  </em>shows the current status of the issue, possible values are:</li>
    <li>.. <em> -  </em>issue was added to the tracker, but was not yet processed by an employee</li>
    <li><em>need more info  -  </em>employees were unable to reproduce the issue, more information from the beta-tester are required for processing the bug report</li>
    <li><em>rejected </em> -  the described behavior is not a bug (reason is specified by employee in comment) or required information were not provided</li>
    <li><em>accepted </em> -  issue was reproduced by employee and was accepted</li>
    <li><em>will be reviewed</em>  -  issue or suggestion will be considered in future versions of the product</li>
    <li><em>fixed </em> -  developers reported that the issue was fixed or the suggestion was implemented</li>
    <li><em>reopened </em> -  according to beta-tester the issue was not fixed properly</li>
    <li><em>closed </em> -  beta-tester or employee confirmed that the issue was fixed</li>
    <li><em>Subject </em> -  brief description of the issue</li>
    <li><em>Category </em> -  distinguishes between bug and suggestion</li>
    <li><em>β-tester </em> -  the beta-tester who reported the issue</li>
    <li><em>Soft </em> -  name of the affected product</li>
    <li><em>Version </em> -  product version where the issue was reproduced</li>
    <li><em>Lng </em> -  used localization (only applies to GUI/Help)</li>
    <li><em>OS </em> -  name of the used operating system</li>
    <li><em>VfT</em> -  status of Application Verifier and Driver Verifier (only applies to Crashes/Dumps/BSOD)</li>
    <li><em>Description</em> -  detailed description of the issue</li>
    <li><em>Watchers</em> -  list of users who will get notified about changes of the issue</li>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>2.2. Watching issues</strong></span></p>
    <p>You can receive notifications by email about issues depending on the account settings. The notifications will come from In case you do not get the notifications please also check the spam folder. With default settings you will get notifications in the following situations:</p>
    <li>news was published for the top-level project</li>
    <li>you created an issue or issue was created in a watched project</li>
    <li>watched issue or news was updated</li>
    <li>issue or news was updated, where you have took part in the discussion</li>
    <p>To subscribe to news or issues click on the link "Watch":</p>
    <p><img src="" alt="" width="488" height="209" /></p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong></strong></span></p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>2.3. Participating in the discussion and changing of the status of an issue</strong></span></p>
    <p>By opening and editing an issue you can take part in the discussion. Fill in the field "Note" to add a comment. You can also change the value of some fields (for example, set the task status, version, product name, OS, ...). It depends on your rights which fields you are allowed to change.</p>
    <p><img src="" alt="" width="494" height="111" /></p>
    <p>If an issue has the status fixed, users with standard rights can confirm the fix by changing the status to closed. Moderators can also re-open it and change the status to reopened.</p>
    <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>2.4. Using filters</strong></span></p>
    <p>The tracker allows to show the submitted issues using predefined filters. They are listed in the sidebar. Some filters are only available for certain sub-projects:</p>
    <li>Project groupe (all issues in "QA Info"): available for all projects, lists all open issues based on their project they belong to. If you want to use this filter go to "Projects" and then click on "View all issues" (<a href="../../redmine/issues" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener" data-cke-saved-href=""></a>)</li>
    <li>Status groupe (for all projects): available for all projects, issues are grouped by their status</li>
    <li>Default View (dmp): used for sub-project "Crashes/Dumps/BSOD", additionally shows the columns "OS" (operating system) and "VfT" (Verifier status)</li>
    <li>Default View (GUI): used for sub-project "GUI/Help", additionally shows the column "Lng" (localization)</li>
    <li>Default View (W&D): used for sub-project "Wishes and deals" (suggestions for the bug tracker)</li>